Publishing a Project

To deploy Horizon Reports on a web server, you need to deploy two things:

If you’re deploying to Azure or similar and are unable to run the installer, instead install to a local folder and then upload the contents of that folder to the server.

  • Horizon Reports project: The project files that need to be deployed are contained in the subfolder Project_Data of your local Horizon Reports installation. To deploy the project, copy the Project_Data folder from your development environment folder to the web application folder. If you’re using default settings for the project database (i.e. a SQLite database located in Project_Data), deploying the Project_Data folder should also include this database.

If your project database is stored in something other than a SQLite database, you have to install that database yourself.

Regardless of whether the web site is on the current or a remote system, the following settings are required for the web server:

  • Enable read and write access to the App_Data, Licenses, and Logs folders.

For docker based deployments, the Licenses and Logs folders will be located under the App_Data shared volume.

Publishing to Microsoft Azure

The simplest way to publish to a Microsoft Azure server is to publish to a local folder first, then copy the files from the local folder to the Azure server. Follow these steps:

  • Make sure the Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) to connect to the Azure server is configured to allow access to a drive on the local system. To do that, right-click the RDP file and choose Edit from the shortcut menu. Select the Local Resources tab, click the More button, and turn on one or more local drives.

  • Download the web application installer and install to a local folder.

  • Copy the Project_Data folder from your Horizon Reports installation to the same local folder.

  • Double-click the RDP file to connect to the Azure server.

  • Create a new site using IIS Manager.

  • Using Windows Explorer, copy the files from the local publish folder to the virtual directory on the Azure server.

Publishing to a Microsoft Azure web site

Publishing to a Microsoft Azure web site is straightforward. Follow the steps in the previous section to create a publish folder on a local drive, then upload the contents of that folder to the site using FTP.

Publishing to a docker container

Follow the steps in the previous section to create a publish folder (Project_Data) on a local drive. Once it’s ready, upload the contents of that folder to docker host machine using FTP/SFTP/SCP. When docker container, make sure to map a shared volume to the publish folder you copied.