The end user Report Writer has a HTML-based help (similar to this site) that describes all the functionality and provides a “how to” section. By default, the report writer will link to for help. You can also create a customized help site. This allows you to make changes to the Application Name or other settings.

Creating customized help

The default help documentation uses a source repository and GitHub Pages. To create customized help for your Horizon Reports project, do the following:

  • Fork the repository for the help.

  • Edit the _config.yml file and update the variables in the Horizon Reports Documentation Settings section. See below for a description of the settings to update.

  • Finish creating your GitHub Pages site.

  • Update the URL for end user help documentation setting with the URL for your customized help.

_config.yml Settings

  • title: The title for the help web site.

  • email: The contact email address to display in the documentation.

  • app_name: The application name (e.g. Report Writer) to display in the documentation.

  • has_datagroups: Set to true if you’ve defined data groups in your project.

  • has_multilanguage: Set to true if you support multiple languages.

  • has_multidatasource: Set to true if the end user can choose from multiple data sources.

  • has_tenants: Set to true if tenant support is enabled for your project.

  • manage_conn_string: Set to true if a database in the project uses the User can Manage Connection String setting.

  • manage_dsn: Set to true if a database in the project uses the User can Manage DSN setting.

  • users_can_register: Set to true if users can register for new accounts.

  • allow_password_reset: Set to true if users are able to reset their password.

  • support_center: Set to true to display the support center topic.

  • company: The company name to display in the documentation.

  • description: The description of the help repository.

  • url: the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.

Further customizing help

You may want to consider customizing the following:

  • Add any additional information desired to the Technical Support topic.

  • If you create a Setup plugin, add a topic under the Configuration section describing any additional options you defined in the plugin.

Edit the markdown (.md) files for the appropriate help topics using your favorite text editor.